Thursday, February 17, 2011

Michael & Jackie: Engagement Session

I'm so excited to share these shots from Michael & Jackie's recent engagement session. I just love them! It was a cold, overcast morning and though there was no "nice" light to speak of, it gave the colors a chance at front-and-center stage. And these two were really great troopers... I had them climbing hills and multiple flights of stairs only to make them climb back down without taking the shot because there was a branch in the way, too much wind, too little light, they were standing too high, too low, too much... whatever. You name it. They did it. And all with a smile. Hope you like them, guys! Thanks for being GREAT! :)

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement sessionElizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

This one is my favorite.

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement sessionElizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Elizabeth Davis Photography tallahassee engagement session

Congratulations, you two! :)

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is either the last one, because it seems like we are seeing their private moment, or the one where he is bending her over to kiss her with the bricks in the background. Nice job! Tons of happiness to the lucky couple.
